Conference focus

Colour, and the manipulation of colour to express distance, importance, and emotions are an essential component of almost every form of fine arts. Indeed, the history of art is inseparable from the history of colours since they have always represented one of the key elements in this field. Their use dates back to the Antiquity until today undergoing to several changes according their preparation, application, conservation etc. This conference is going to focus on interdisciplinary role of the colours in the field of the fine arts encompassing several aspects such as (i) making colours (origin, provenance and ways of their production) (ii) understanding colours (via perception, chemical analysis and the painting technique evolution), (iii) changing colours (covering all aspects of degradation and the role of patina) and, finally, (iv) restoring colours – from local retouches to reconstructions (also including the virtual ones).
Invited speakers
Margriet van Eikema Hommes / Delft University of Technology, Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands
Polonca Ropret / Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Slovenia
Irina Petroviciu / Romanian National History Museum Bucharest
Cristina Serendan / National University of Arts Bucharest
Marcin Kozarzewski / Monument Service, Michalowice
Andrea Urlandová / Fakulta architektúry STU v Bratislave